September 8, 2019

Welcome to Herbst United Methodist Church!

Here is our Sunday, message "Knowing the Mission"...

    This weekend our church had the privilege to partner with Sweetser Wesleyan church to sponsor the first Harmony Music Festival.  This was a free concert that featured 5 local performers on Saturday afternoon.  There was food, games, music and some Gospel messages.  By all measures, it was a great success and a lot of fun for all who attended.
    It can be challenging to step out in faith when you can not predict what will happen.  That is what faith is all about.  God brought this idea together, and it brought the hope of Christ through music, word and service to all that attended.  I truly believe this ministry has a chance to grow.  But it takes faith in the mission of God to take these kind of risks.
    2 Corinthians 10:5 says, "...bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ..." reminding us that in all parts of our lives we surrender in obedience to Christ.  That means we will be placed in difficult positions, we will be challenged or deterred from the mission, however, we can take heart.  Jesus reminds us after giving the Great Commission, "And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." Matthew 28: 20. 
     That is awesome news!  When we put our faith in Jesus, and he calls us to go into the world on His behalf, we are not going alone.  We can go with the full confidence that our Lord and Savior will protect us, strengthen us, and guide us in the mission. 

    Say yes to Jesus today, and be amazed at what can be accomplished for His kingdom.

Blessings to you for this coming week.
Pastor Jeremy


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