May 10, 2018

Sorry this is a little late.  Our upload kept getting delayed with computer updates.  Here is the May 6th message from Herbst UMC.

     An amazing thing happened on Sunday evening at Herbst UMC.  Something  unexpected and totally a God thing.  I had been at the church for our weekly bible study with the youth and adults and went back home to get dinner.

     At around 9 o'clock, I went over to lock the door, but when I went in to turn off the light I was greeted with piano and song coming from the sanctuary.  The song 'How He Loves' was pouring forth from the darkness and you could feel in the words being sung, the heart-felt cry to God.  This young man had come to seek refuge at the church and had walked more than 4 miles to get here.

    God blessed this encounter.  He put me in this place, at this time for this chance meeting.  It is a reminder that people in this world are always searching and yearning for God, whether they realize it or not.  Just as we are called to go into the world, we must be equally ready to receive those who come to us in their time of need.  Funny that this should happen on the day of this Sunday's message.

    To the young man and his father that I had the privilege to meet that night, your family has my continued prayer:  O Lord, grant the presence of your Holy Spirit to be with this family.  Pour out your love, kindness, gentleness, compassion,  and patience on them.  Provide the comfort and protection that only comes from knowing you, through your Son, Jesus Christ.  Amen. 
Stay close to Him, for he will see you through all of life's obstacles and challenges on your journey in life, as individuals and as a family.

    This was a reminder of why we are here.  We are to be the hands and feet of Christ, to not only go into the world, but to also welcome all who seek to know Christ.  We welcome our fellow brothers and sisters with open arms and Christian love.  We should be prepared at all times to walk along side believers, and non-believers alike, in their journey of faith in Jesus Christ.

Yours in Christ,
Pastor Jeremy


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