Brotherly Affection Provides Encouragement - 10/24/2021

This week we continue on our journey toward spiritual maturity as we look further into brotherly affection, an action, poured out in love for one another as a result of God's love poured into us.

This week we talked about how brotherly affection provides encouragement.  Proverbs tells us that 'Worry weighs a person down; an encouraging work cheers a person up.' (Proverbs 12:25)  Worry is self serving, holding on to thoughts and worrying about them is not a way to live, it does nothing but serve the sinful nature of our hearts.  Encouragement is outward, it gives.  True Godly encouragement is selfless and and has a focus on serving others.

When we let go of the worry of the world and embrace the Love that God has given to us, we are free to shine our light to others.  We are free to share God's hope with the lost.  We are free to encourage one another in ministry to the world.

Brotherly affection is outward.  God's love is poured into us to help us be the light to the world that shares His love with people who do not yet know him.  Living in brotherly affection requires that we live life that serves others.  We live with the trust that God won't leave us.  We live with the trust that God will always provide.  We live with the trust that God will show us the way.  We do not live to receive encouragement, we live to give it.  

Our best source of encouragement is The Bible.  The source of the Bible is God.   All scripture is God breathed.  He tells us of His Love.  He shows us Hope.  

Like forgiveness, we are made to receive encouragement from God and give it to others.  

How can you share the Love of God with someone through encouragement today?

Here is this week's message:

Be blessed and encouraged this week as you encourage others.


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