Brotherly Affection Deeply Cares - 10/31/2021

This week we finish up our set of messages discussing Brotherly Affection as a part of our journey toward spiritual maturity.  Brotherly Affection is an outward action.  It is an expression of God's Love that others can see.  We have seen that it brings unity, forgives, encourages and this week we learn that Brotherly Affection deeply cares.

We have the greatest example of Brotherly Affection in Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.  We are commanded to love one another. Christ's perfect love deeply cares for me.  I receive this care when I receive Him.  

Deeply caring is more than just giving to the needy and serving those who cannot serve themselves.  Deeply caring speaks to the heart.  It is a way that we can share His Love that we have received with others.  

We cannot invite someone to live a life with Christ without living with Him first!

How will you share the love that you have received this week by deeply caring for someone else?

I pray that the deep care that we give as followers of Christ will open hearts to receive Him as Lord.

Here is this week's message:

Be blessed as you care for others this week.


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