Brotherly Affection Displays Unity - 10/10/2021

This week we move forward in our journey and begin to explore brotherly affection/mutual affection as it supplements Godliness as we walk the path toward spiritual maturity guided by 2 Peter 1:3-8.

Christ followers (The Church) are called to live in unity with one another.

To live in unity we must surrender to the direction of the one leading.  We seek to focus our attention together on a common goal.  We practice unity and seek understanding of the opposition.

Christ desires for us to live in unity as The Body of Christ.  With Christ as our leader and our common goal on eternal life with Him, we practice faith in action through brotherly affection.  This is our outward showing of our inward transformation.

Unity in action requires attention to using our knowledge of Jesus to witness and disciple to others.  The verse in 1 Peter reminds us that we must continue to journey on our path to spiritual maturity through the qualities listed so that we may be kept from being ineffective and unproductive in our knowledge of Christ.  

It isn't easy realizing that we must take action in unity to Christ to help others know and understand our Creator.  Unity, the bond we have with Christ and with each other as the Body of Christ, will equip us to survive the pressure of the world that is wrought with sin.  

As we practice brotherly affection and share our knowledge of Jesus Christ with others in unity, we honor the call to receive His Grace on our journey toward spiritual maturity.

Here is this week's message:

Have a blessed week!


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