March 7, 2019
Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ, our risen Lord and Savior!
Below you can find a link to the Scripture readings and message from our Ash Wednesday Service.
"Return to Me"
God is calling you! He is calling all of us!
Scripture tells us the story of humanities relationship with God. It began with creation of a perfect world that lived in harmony with God, until sin entered. The fall of man has had a devastating effect on the world; it created separation from our holy creator. However, the story does not stop there. The story continues with God's call and pursuit to bring man back into right relationship with Him. God chose His people, gave them laws to guide them toward right relationship with Him, and time after time demonstrated His grace and mercy on a disobedient people. It is because of God's perfect faithfulness that He sent Jesus. Jesus ministry was to bring the message of repentance and returning to God.
God's greatest gift was brought to humanity through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The only perfect sacrifice, has been given total authority in heaven and over the earth, and He has conquered death. By God's grace, through faith in Jesus Christ we are saved. By believing in Him, who has conquered death, we also may have eternal life with our creator, in heaven.
However, being human is not easy. Our world is filled with wickedness and evil. The desires that come from our hearts often leads us into sinful behaviors. We are constantly on guard to avoid pain and suffering, but often fail to see our disobedience of God as the root of our issues. That is why God calls you to return. To turn away from the logic of the world, and the temptations of the flesh. To fix our eyes on Jesus, the healer of the sick and broken, the forgiver of sin.
Ash Wednesday begins the liturgical season of Lent. A time of self-examination and repentance of our sins. A time to turn away from our sin and turn towards God. The time to seek the grace, love and mercy that God offers. Lent is a time to pray for forgiveness. It is our time to return to the cross and remember the terrible price paid by our Lord, so that we might be saved. Lent is a time to celebrate the glory and majesty of Easter.
Regardless joy, happiness or contentment. Regardless of guilt, pain, doubt and fear. Regardless of hopelessness and sorrow of your circumstance. God says "Return to Me!
May the Holy Spirit be upon you this season!
Pastor Jeremy
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