March 4 2019
Greetings in the name of Jesus the Christ!
Below is the link to the March 3rd message. May it bring hope from the mountaintop!
This past week the United Methodist Church held a special general conference to discuss changes to the Book of Discipline. Delegates from all over the world came to participate and help guide the church going forward.
One of these delegates was Diaman Mainsa from Zambia. Sunday March 3rd, Diaman spoke at 1st UMC in Marion. He shared his story, God's call on his life and the experience at this years General Conference. He graciously answered all the questions that he could about the experience.
The best part of the evening for me was hearing his testimony. I will not share the details here, because it is his story to tell, but I will say that his story testifies to God's love, grace and mercy. Regardless of how hopeless our circumstances may seem, God's love saves!
When he started his current appointment, he had 35 regular attendees. That number is over 500. He had no budget or resources to speak of, but he had faith in God. Teaching people about Jesus is the heart of his evangelism and is a part of every action his church does in the community. I was inspired and humbled by my new friend. I pray that we will all be bold in our faith, like Diaman.
The United Methodist Church is a global church. Thousands of lives around the world are saved because of this church. The power of Christ connects all of us in our ministry. It is important that we continue to be an obedient people to the Word of God. I am thankful to God for the opportunity to spend time with my new friend and brother in Christ.
I pray for Diaman, his family and his continuing ministry. May God's grace forever be upon them.
May God's love encourage you,
Pastor Jeremy
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