March 24, 2019
Welcome and blessings to you, in the name of Jesus the Christ!
My prayer is that, you heart and mind will be centered on God's amazing and abundant love, wherever you might be. Here is this weeks sermon message from March 24th...
Earlier in the sermon series, we discussed how during Lent our time of self-examination, and allowing God to exam our heart, helps clean up the sinfulness that exists there. Our hearts have a strong tendency to chase after things of this world. We need to be reminded in whom our salvation truly rests.
The imagery this week is that of feasting and fasting. Simply put, with a feast we think of abundance and celebration. A fast is more about abstaining and repentance. If we consider feasting and fasting in relationship to our hearts, what we are really looking at are the things that we give great attention to and those that we do not pay much attention to.
God's call to all people is, "Return to Me!". This was the message of Moses, the prophets, Jesus and His disciples. It is about returning to the one relationship that can bring true comfort and security. God knows our mistakes and failures, but remember He is the God of second chances! Our heavenly Father is waiting for you, right now, with open arms. It is never to late to embrace God and allow Jesus to help you reorient your heart toward Him. It might just save your life!
May the power of the Holy Spirit be with you,
Pastor Jeremy
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