February 25, 2019

So be it!!

Here is our message from Sunday, Feb 24th, the conclusion of our sermon series based upon the book by James Mulholland, "Praying Like Jesus".


    This morning I was listing to the song "Horizon (A New Day)" by TobyMac.  In the song, the message is about our ability, with God, to break free from the present circumstances; to achieve a new and better life.   It is more than simply superficial change, but real lasting growth into the destiny that we were called to.  What spoke to me was the new creation that we become when we accept Jesus as our Lord and Savior and that nothing can stand in our way as we walk with Him.  Yet, we still feel uncertainty, fear, worry and despair.  Why is that?

    Remember that any obstacle that you must go through, God is ready to be right there with you.  We can have absolute confidence regardless of the circumstances we may face. With God we always have the promise of a new day.  We just get lost in the noise of the world.  Our time with God seems to get squeezed out as the days go by and we loose the anchor of our heart.  We defeat ourselves as we look at the waves crashing around us.

    The Good News is that Jesus understands our struggles.  He knows the temptations that we face and the challenges that get in the way of our relationship.  Yet he still calls out to you.  He seeks a relationship with you.  Scripture reminds us that God is a loving father that is ready to receive us.  We must work to make the most important relationship, the most important relationship!

    In His Name, we can do anything.  Make sure you seek time with him and watch what can be done!

Receive the love of Christ,
   Pastor Jeremy


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