February 3, 2019
Blessings to you in the name of Jesus!
Here is this Sunday's message, the 4th week of our series on Jesus teaching us to pray...
This week, I challenge you to spend some time considering how you view prosperity. I know, I could write about how we should take more time to pray, give more to charity (or the church) or maybe spend more intentional time in our individual mission fields. However, I think this week we need to simply meditate and be still with God. It is time to consider how we think about money, wealth and prosperity. Do any of these things keep us from the closeness we should have with our Father in heaven?
It is important, and good regular maintenance, to simply sit with God and open up to his searching. How do you view money? How do you spend your blessings? Where have you missed opportunities to show compassion? What prejudices do you have in regards to who you help? Who have we neglected to extend our friendship to? What is God wanting you to see?
Each waking morning, in fact each breathe, is a gift from God. He is gracious and kind, merciful and mighty. With God on our side, we can live each day with confidence in our salvation through the love of Jesus Christ. Seek the relationship with God that he desires. Spend some time with God this week and allow the Holy Spirit to work in you heart. Repent for your misplaced beliefs and actions, and give thanks to God for his grace in your life. Then go out and live as God intended you to live, with good news and compassion.
With the love of Jesus,
Pastor Jeremy
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