February 11, 2019
Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ from Herbst UMC.
Here is our message from Sunday, Feb. 10th...
Forgiveness is a tough thing and we often get it wrong. The examples at the beginning of the sermon are examples of how people tend to view forgiveness and all of them are WRONG! Why you may ask? Let's consider:
1. In each of the 4 circumstances forgiveness is being made with conditions. Therefore, the person seeking forgiveness will always feel some type of pressure.
2. The person forgiving is seeking superiority. We would love to believe that we are always right, but the truth is our demands on the person seeking forgiveness is hypocritical and not true forgiveness.
3. The relationship is never fully restored because something is always left unresolved. The pain will continue to be felt by both parties.
We need to seek God's forgiveness for our sin, and humbly receive the mercy that can only come from the Father in heaven. It is God who we sin against; it is God's kingdom whom we rebel against. We must remember the mercy that has been shown to each of us. It is that mercy that we need to show others.
God seeks reconciliation. He wants our relationship with him to be restored to its holy and perfect form. In doing so, he desires that we extend the same mercy in our relationships. Be grateful for the mercy you receive by extending forgiveness as God has shown you. Then we will begin to see God's kingdom here on earth.
Mercy triumphs over judgement. James 2: 13
In Jesus name,
Pastor Jeremy
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