November 7, 2018

Here is the message from Herbst UMC, Sunday Nov. 4, All Saints Day...

Try God and See. 

   The world is noisy.  So many things that can distract and consume our time and energy.  In all that noise are an endless number of things that promise a better life. 

   However, when we seek God with all of our hearts and our mind, we prioritize a relationship with Him above anything else.  We walk with Him daily.  He is in our every thought and action.  We yearn to be close to Him, because He is the object of our love. 

   That love relationship brings us into deeper connection with God and reveals to us His awesome and wonderful nature.  We know in our hearts that God is holy.  (Something that seems overlooked in our current culture).  God is holy and righteous.  He is Alpha and Omega.  The truth is that His ways are beyond our comprehension.  We are neither worthy nor qualified to ever question or test God.

   Except in one area.  God gives us permission to test Him with our tithe.  The opportunity to demonstrate our love and obedience to God through the giving of our first and best.  We love God so much, that we want Him to receive the best we have, because we recognize He is the source of our blessings.

   Everyday is a struggle to block out the noise of the world.  However, when we love God with all that we have, that noise can be cancelled out.  Try Him and see.

In Christ's love,
Pastor Jeremy


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