July 15, 2018

Here is this Sunday's sermon.


     In this sermon series we are focusing on elements that define our faith as Christians and as United Methodists.  Understanding our faith, and how we are called to live our lives, is an important discipline that needs refreshing frequently.  In the Nicene Creed, we see a universally accepted statement of what we believe as Christ followers.  This dates back to 381 AD, at the 1st Council of Constantinople.  At this meeting the leaders of the church from around the known world met to make a clear and definitive statement of what we who follow and claim Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior believe.
    I encourage you to take a moment and reflect on what you believe in and how that shows up in your life.  In reading the Nicene Creed we declare our faith in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  Acknowledging God in worship, praise and thanksgiving brings strength and confidence to our day, and that might be what someone else needs to see.

 Keep growing in the Faith.

  In Christ's love,

Pastor Jeremy


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