Our Milk - The Blood is Still Enough - 03/14/2021

Greetings in the name of Our Savior,

This week we continue in our series, From Milk to Solid Food.  This is a collaborative effort partnering with Pastor Matt Stewart of Sweetser Wesleyan Church.  

The message this week was given by Indiana Wesleyan student, Dan Whetlor.  Dan is in his third year of studies responding to his ministry call and also serves as a student leader for our youth group, The Sent Ones.  

We are reminded this week of the gift of repentance.  The gift that Jesus Christ offers with His death on the cross. Some may see repentance as a punishment for wrong doing.  We often want to hide all of the things that cause us to fall short of Christ's perfection in a dark closet or deep place in our heart.  We don't want anyone to see the pain, hurt and shortfall of our human nature.  We don't even want to reveal this to God even though He sees it all.  He already knows.

Our scripture in Galatians 5: 19-26 teaches us that hiding these things is a denial of God in our lives.  Like that of a child who makes up a lie to cover a wrong so they don't get in trouble, we do the same with God.  The thing is, God isn't looking for us to turn to Him so that He can condemn us.  He wants to free us from the weight of the darkness in our hearts.  He wants to replace that darkness with His Light. 

With Jesus' death and resurrection on the cross, we are offered the gift of His Holy Spirit.  God wants to restore the holes left in our heart as we give up our sinful nature.  He desires to fill our hearts with Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-Control. 

Repentance is a gift.  It is a reminder that we are children of God!  He loves us so much that He sent us all we need to be reconciled to a life with Him.  Because of Christ's sacrifice, we get to repent!  Repentance is not a punishment as the world would have us to believe.  It is a true gift of God's Love. 

Repentance is more than one-time thing, it is an ongoing reconciliation with Our Creator, Our Life Giver, Our All in All.  When was the last time you repented? Do you feel like you are repenting for the same thing over and over?  If so, please remember the Gifts of The Holy Spirit and ask God to replace that sinful nature with these Gifts...receive them into your heart...these are Gifts that last! 

Here is a link to Dan's message from this week:


Be blessed,

Pastor Jeremy


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