Our Milk - Baptized into the Flock - 03/21/2021

Greetings in the name of Our Redeemer, Jesus Christ,

We continue this week in our message series "From Milk to Solid Food" that is a collaboration with Pastor Matt Stewart of Sweetser Wesleyan Church.  

We have spent a few weeks now talking about those fundamental pieces of faith that build the foundation to spiritual maturity.  This week we talk about the gift of baptism.

Just as a rancher brands his cattle to signify that they belong to his flock, in baptism, we are marked as part of Jesus' flock.   In our baptism we are moving from death to life.  We are forgiven and received by God because of Jesus and His sacrifice for each of us.  We each receive a new identity in Christ and are called to live and share the Gospel.

Baptism isn't just a "to do" as a Christ-follower, we are called to receive the gift of baptism by The Holy Spirit.  God cares about each of us and wants us to be a part of His flock.  We accept this gift through the sacrament of baptism.  Even if you were baptized as an infant, reflecting on this gift as an adult deepens the solid foundation prayed for you in your youth.  

Being apart of Jesus' flock is not just some "special club".  Being a child of God is special for sure, but it is more than that.  This mark of faith allows us to see and be led by Someone greater than ourselves.  We are given freedom to serve Christ.  He declares that "My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they know  me.  I give them eternal life and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." (John 10: 27-28).  The bond we share with Christ and with each other as a body of believers is essential.  We were not made to live this life alone.

Have you received the gift of baptism?  When was the last time you thought of this bond with Christ that no one can snatch you away from?  While it may be scary to think of sharing with someone the story of your baptism or what difference it has made in your life, it can be easier than you can imagine.  Take some time to marvel at what God gives us through baptism...salvation, a new home, a new family, Resurrection, hope, The Holy Spirit, Forgiveness, eternal life, friendship with God and a new life lived under the Lordship of Jesus Christ...surely in that marveling you will be convicted with a mustard seed bit of something to share with someone who desperately needs to hear the hope found only in Jesus Christ.

So, take some time to marvel and hear His call to your heart...Receive His Love, Share His Love. 

Here is a link to the message this week:


Be Blessed and take time to remember your baptism this week,,

Pastor Jeremy


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