September 23, 2018

      Here is the this Sunday's sermon on Our Hope for Tomorrow...

    "The best laid schemes of Mice and Men go oft awry."  This line is from the Robert Burns poem, To A Mouse.   The mouse spent so much time and energy in building its nest only to have it destroyed because it was in the farmers field.  The mouse lost everything because of factors beyond his control.  Despite all of the effort, things did not go as the little mouse had planned.  The farmer laments the situation of the mouse and considers the futility of planning for the future.
   Despite our best efforts and intentions, our plans will always fall short when compared to God's.  We see in Scripture the times the Israelite's had a plan and ventured off on their own, only to be met with frustration and failure.  However, when they followed the Lord their God, they were prospered and blessed beyond their own dreams.  The benefit of a relationship with God is that we can be at peace, because the living Lord will see us through. 

    A Christian's hope is always future oriented, and the focus is on God.  When faced with creating a vision and planning for the future, make sure to include God in the process.  Seek His will and walk confidently through any situation.

In Christ's love,

Pastor Jeremy


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