September 7, 2018

You may have wondered where this weeks post has been.  Well, check the title and you shall understand. Here is the link....

    Growing up, I loved baseball.  Hitting, fielding and running around making places was energizing to me.  I always tried to make every play and hit every pitch.  As I got older that became more challenging, especially the hitting.  When kids started learning how to throw curve balls, everything changed.  I would see the ball.  I thought I knew where it was going and suddenly, poof, it drops toward the dirt and I am creating a fantastic breeze for the fans on the first base side.
    I think that is a great metaphor for life sometimes.  We live in a world where we, as individuals, have learned how things work and develop routines in our life.  Then, seemingly out of no where, life throws us a curve ball!  Our life changes.  Things that were in order are now in chaos.  What we had learned to lean on in this world has become unstable.
    The comfort that we have in this life is that God is always there for us.  We simply must reach out to Him and call on the name Jesus.  Jesus promised that He will always be with us.  He is the rock that we can stand on when everything else doesn't make sense.  Seeking His guidance can help bring light to our dark situations, providing a good path forward that we can trust.
     Praise God for his faithfulness.

 "There is no one holy like the Lord; there is no one besides you; there is no Rock like our God."
                                                                                                                               1 Samuel 2:2 

In Christ's Love,

Pastor Jeremy


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