August 26, 2018
A Divine Command for Christian service.
Here is the message from Sunday...
When we except Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, it means that Jesus is in control of our life. His will takes precedent of our own. We place Him on the throne of our hearts and in control of our lives. Why? It is because we recognize that God's ways are pure, good and righteous. It is in knowing the loving nature of God that brings us into submission to His ways. His ways are proven to be good!
So when Jesus gives us a command, we do as we are told. The disciples, time and again, were given commands by Jesus. The final command was to go into the world and make disciples of all the nations. We, as disciples of Christ, share in this divine command.
There are many things in our world today that can distract us, discourage us or mislead us from this command, but it is something that Jesus has commanded us to do. No matter how difficult our uncomfortable it may seem, we can go forth with confidence because Jesus promised to always be with us, and God always keeps His promises.
Think of who needs to hear the Good News that is in Jesus Christ. Build a relationship, love them and share your story. It is a life changer.
In Christ's love,
Pastor Jeremy
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