August 19, 2018
Blessing to you in the name of Jesus Christ. Here is this weeks message:
Are You One of His Disciples?
This is a series question. Everything depends on how you answer it. Your salvation rests on your faith in Jesus Christ. That is a lot to take in, I know, but it should bring us great joy. God has revealed Himself to us as a living God of all creation, of love, of grace, of mercy, of righteousness and of truth.
When we say yes to being a disciple of Jesus, we are transformed. We no longer live as we used to because we are made new in the Holy Spirit. As a new creation, we leave marks, signs and fruits that we are disciples of the living Lord. This is a journey, however. Life doesn't make it easy. You won't always make the right choice or do the right thing, but as a disciple of Jesus, we are not called to be perfect. We are called to be in a relationship that can bridge the gap of our short comings.
One of the members yesterday shared with me after worship how God spoke this Sunday's message to their heart. They understood that being a disciple can be seen in how we focus every day. A disciple focuses on: the will of God, the commands of God, the love of God and the people of God. A disciples actions correspond to this focus in: Submission, Obeying, Responding and Seeking.
Regardless of where you are in your relationship with God, take Hope. It is never to late to turn to Him who loves you, will always be there with you and will never forsake you.
Live in His love this week,
Pastor Jeremy
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