March 30, 2018
Good Friday.
The name just doesn't seem to match the event. Christians around the world remember the day that their Lord and Savior was crucified. He gave his life for each of us, so that we can be saved from our sins. That act of grace was not cheap. Our salvation cost Jesus everything.
This is the one day out of the year that Christians should feel really crummy. We are forced to look at the reality of our salvation. Christ's suffering and death for our sins.

At Sweetser Wesleyan, the body of Christ gathered, 88 strong, and worshiped God during a Tenebrae Service. This service is a meditation on the Passion of Christ through the reading of the story as the lights grow dark.
Thank you to Pastor Matt Stewart and his team for the music and spiritual atmosphere providing the opportunity to pray and meditate on what Jesus did for you and me.
Pastor Jeremy

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