March 28, 2018
Tonight our Holy Week services came to Converse UMC. Pastor David Steinke, who is currently serving both Converse UMC and Sweetser UMC, hosted and his wife Jill provided the musical accompaniment.
Pastor John Key, from Maple Run Friends, brought the message this evening. He viewed the life of Jesus as a call to action for each of us. As Jesus began his ministry he called the disciples to follow him, at the feeding of the 5,000 Jesus told the disciples to do the work and the great commission is to go and make disciples. Emphasis on the world, GO!
We are all called to share the Good News with a world that is living in darkness. The hope we have in Jesus Christ is the hope that can transform lives. Pray for your community, pray for those individuals who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ. Then GO. Develop relationships and bring them the Good News.
Pastor Jeremy
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