February 23, 2018

    One of the ways that Christians can shine the light of Jesus Christ into the world is to be prepared to answer the need of others in a time of crisis.  Often time we pay attention to this when there are natural disasters or violence in the community.  Hearts are broken and lives torn apart.  Time and time again, we see Christians at the ready to provide for physical, emotional and spiritual needs.

     Just as important, but often unseen, are the small daily sacrifices to support individuals and local communities.  Small gestures like a get well card or phone call to check up on someone.  Giving a person a ride or sitting down to just have a conversation.  These seemingly small acts can have a  significant impact on an individual and help demonstrate Christ's love to others.

Our prayers this week go out to our brothers and sisters at Maple Run Friends Church and the family of Chris Rosman, who recently passed away.  The loss of a loved one is never easy, but our faith gives us hope because of Jesus Christ.

    Saturday a team of five ladies, from here at Herbst UMC, are going to Maple Run Friends Church to work at the Friends Closet, a ministry that helps those in need, so the members of the congregation can attend the funeral.  Friday, the mission team gathered to put together 'sack breakfasts' to pass out to anyone that shows up.  I am thankful that we are able to come to the support of our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, in this time of need.

    As Christians we are called to serve God.  That can take on many different forms.  We praise God for equipping us and providing a willing spirit to answer the call.  Thank you to each individual that has responded to this situation with time, talent and prayer.  This can serve as a reminder to each of us that small acts can have powerful impacts for God's kingdom.

In Christ's love,
Pastor Jeremy



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