February 18, 2018

Here is the link to this week's message:


 Thoughts and encouragement.

    As we consider our own personal wilderness during Lent, let us not lose hope.  It is so important for us to continually examine our choices, actions and attitudes against that of God's standards for our life.  We need to be aware of how our actions are seen by others, and by God.  This practice places God's standards in the forefront of our minds on a regular basis; which helps us in our decision making.

    However, it is possible to take this practice to far.  I have struggled with this in the past;  self-reflection that leads to self-deprecation and a spiraling self-conviction of unworthiness.  I would come across a situation that left me wondering if I was to blame or not meeting the right standards.  I became burdened by the conviction I felt.  It became consuming and began to render me paralyzed, resentful and broken.  I beat myself up so much, I felt worse than what was actually happening.

The lesson.

It is important to evaluate our thoughts, desires, choices and actions on a regular basis. It is probably more important to think about God's standards before we find ourselves in these situations.  In all cases, however, we need to remember that God loves us.  God forgives our sins as we confess and turn back to Him.  As the apostle John writes in 1 John 1:9:

"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sis and purify us from all unrighteousness."

So keep working toward God's standard and live in confidence that God loves you.

Pastor Jeremy


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