Agape - Christ's Love For All - 11/21/2021

Greetings on this Christ the King Sunday!
This is the last Sunday of the Christian Calendar Year...Next week, Advent begins and thus a new year begins again.

This Sunday ends a year long message series that began with last Advent season.  Through this year we have learned about the basic foundation, the milk, of our faith and have moved forward to spiritual maturity through scripture focused on the building blocks of faith.

We have completed this series with the firm foundation of God's Love and this week we talk about Christ's Love for All of us.  

Christ's Love is action. He created.  He came.  He taught.  He revealed.  He experienced. He paid.  

Jesus Christ Loves... He is Love.  His love does not fade!  It calls to each and every one of us.  His Love is a firm foundation on which we can build a life lived with Christ...a life that is eternal.

Love was there in the beginning and is the foundation of our relationship with God as He calls us back into perfection with Him.

Love restores.  Christ restores.  Whatever is broken can be restored today...restored to God...restored by God...filling His purpose... granting us Love, Joy, Hope and Peace as we renew our faith daily.  

Here is the lesson from this week:

Take His Love.  He is enough. Share His Love.  Someone needs His Love today!


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