Steadfastness - Conviction, Purpose, Faith - 08/29/2021

We continued this week in our conversation about Steadfastness as a supplement to Self Control as we continue on our journey toward spiritual maturity.  

Two weeks ago we had the Church Picnic and Worship where we talked about conviction as a key part of this process.  We are reminded in Hebrews 11:1 that "faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen."  Conviction in what we don't see is hard, but when we look around we can see God's work all around us in our lives and the lives of others.  

Last week we worshiped as a community in Sweetser alongside 8 other church congregations.  It was a wonderful day attended by over 200 people.  The area pastors and worship teams gathered to give a combined service that can be viewed here:  In that service we focused on steadfastness of purpose and were really challenged to be steadfast in seeking His full purpose for our lives.  

This week we are holding firm to our faith.  Being steadfast in faith requires being anchored to a firm foundation.  That foundation is found in Jesus Christ.  Isaiah tells us that "the Lord God is an everlasting rock" (Isaiah 26:4).  The word for "rock" in the Hebrew means something more like a massive mountain, smooth, immovable.  We need our faith to stand firm, we need to stand firm in our faith.  Continuing in steadfast devotion to a relationship with Jesus through His Word is key to our journey to spiritual maturity.

Here is the video message for this week's sermon:

Have a blessed week!!


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