October 27, 2019

Blessing to you, and welcome to the Herbst UMC blog page!

The sermon from 10/27/19 is found at the link below...


    There is nothing easy about living a life of faith.  Everything in our world promotes the very opposite of the life God calls us to.  The cultural norms of today are focused on productivity and selfishness. We are expected every day to accomplish something that is tangible and measurable.  We are in a constant state of comparison to other's production.  At the same time we are encouraged in schools, media and consumerism to do the things that make us happy.  We are encouraged to know "our truth", and live according to that understanding.
    To any Christ follower these things should be terrifying.  Measuring people based on their productivity devalues the individual that God beautifully created.  We begin to see others simply as a means to our own selfish desires, which leads to sexual immorality, exploitation and prideful behaviors.  However, Jesus calls us to love our neighbor as ourselves.  Every person has special worth.  We can begin to see that when we spend more time with God.  Time in prayer and meditation, as well as the study of Scripture and Christian fellowship, grows our relationship with God.  Through the Holy Spirit, God transforms our heart to see others as God sees them.  For example, the person with an addiction problem did not start out that way.  They are in need of faith, hope and love just like every person. 
    To the point about knowing "our truth".  There is one truth and that is found in Jesus Christ.  The Son of God died and rose from the grave so that all who believe in Him shall have life.  When culture teaches us to simply do the things that we believe to be true we create relativism.  Trying to base our actions and decisions relative to the current norms of society is incredibly dangerous and an insult to God.  We were made to worship the one true God.  Relativism turns our focus to "little g" gods which have no substance, moral guide or truth because it is all relative to change.  God is the same yesterday, today and forever;  merciful, gracious and loving.
    The truth is that everything we see, feel and know comes from God.  Alone we can do nothing and in our sinful nature we are left with the penalty of death.  Instead, let us lift our praise to God, the Good Father.  He knew us before we were born, knows are every need and most importantly wants to set us free for a joyous life that He has planned out for us.  Despite the tough times we experience or questions we can't answer, He is faithful.  He wants the best for us.  So, to find peace and joy, lay down your dreams for His approval, then have faith to follow wherever He leads you, because those plans are greater than any you can imagine.
    Choose life.  Choose Jesus.

Pastor Jeremy


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