Self Control - Authentic Witness - 08/01/2021

This week we finish up our series on Self Control as it supplements Knowledge on our path to Spiritual Maturity.

We have discussed Self Control in many different ways.  Self control requires surrender, it should be applied in all areas of our lives, it needs spiritual discipline and we must seek accountability from others.  This week we discuss the need for an authentic witness...

Christ calls us to be ready.  He calls us to stay alert.  He calls us to make disciples of all nations...

He calls us to be prepared to share our story, our authentic witness, of Christ in our lives.

Being prepared with an authentic witness is an important discipline of self control. We need to be ready to share the "reason for the hope" that is in us.  (1 Peter 3:15).  We need to do this with "gentleness and respect".  When we don't prepare our hearts for this important witness, we run the risk of having our emotions and feelings guide us and sometimes that means that the sinful nature of the heart can take over and diminish our witness.

To be prepared, Pastor Jeremy invites us into a 5 step process:
(credit to Oasis World Ministries for the construct)

1. Ask Permission - "May I ask you a question?" or "May I share something with you?"

2. Start with Before Christ (BC) - "There was a time in my life when..."

3. Next share a Turning Point (TP) - "And then one day..."  or "When I realized Jesus died for my sins..."

4. Share what happened next (AD) - "Since I've met Jesus, I..."

5. Reflect on life if you had never met Jesus... 

Take some time this week to think or or journal your responses to the above steps.  Allow the Holy Spirit to lead you.

Here is the link to this week's message:

Be blessed,

Ashli Moore


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