The Virtue of Patience - 05/02/2021
Greetings in His Name,
This week we continue toward understanding how virtues supplement our faith as we grow toward spiritual maturity. Today's message discusses the virtue of patience.
Patience is a Fruit of the Holy Spirit. It is something that resides in our hearts and guides us as we wait. We actively choose to exercise the virtue of patience in the face of our everyday circumstances. Failing to exercise this virtue puts us at a risk of anger and wrath.
We must be careful not to confuse human wrath with God's wrath. Human wrath is always inexcusable. It is the act of exercising our enraged sinful nature. God's wrath is different and comes from a Holy Love for His people.
In our lives, we will face many trials where the virtue of patience can aid us against the sin of wrath. Patience can be seen by others as a witness to our faith in the way we face adversity. Jesus told us to wait upon His return. While we wait, our action in exercising the virtue of patience will be seen by others and may be that light in the darkness for someone to turn their hearts to Christ.
Remember His call to you to be patient in waiting, quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger. Call upon His strength of patience to work in your hearts as you face trials this coming week.
Here is this week's message:
Be blessed,
Pastor Jeremy
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