Our Milk - Faith Toward God - 02/28/2021
Greetings in the name of Our Savior, Jesus Christ,
This week we continue in our series focusing on our maturity in Christ as it relates to a child maturing from milk to solid food. This is a collaborative series of messages partnering with Pastor Matt Stewart of Sweetser Wesleyan Church.
This week we focus on the "Milk". The basic nutrients, a solid foundational, sustaining food that prepares us for maturity. We discuss Milk in relation to our Faith toward God.
There are 3 key elements of Faith ("the assurance of things hoped for , the conviction of things not seen" - Hebrews 11:1). These essential building blocks build upon each other.
The first, knowledge, is foundational as we seek evidence of God at work in this world. We build on this knowledge with the second building block, belief, by choosing to believe this evidence and then our hearts are convicted with truth, the third essential element of faith. Each one, knowledge, belief and truth grow upon the previous and build our full faith which guides how we live.
Our actions are a public display of our personal relationship with God. They are evidence of what we trust and believe in and our hearts are changed as we grow in faith toward maturity in Christ. What we do is guided by our faith!
Our faith is never private. It is definitely personal, but not private. Our faith guides what we do and what we do is seen publicly. We may choose to keep the personal time we have with God private, but others will see evidence of Him by what we do.
Our faith is also always growing, like a tiny mustard seed grows into a huge plant, our faith starts small and grows through our lives, each and every day we live, our faith has the opportunity to grow.
The choice is ours. We choose to gain knowledge and seek evidence of God. We choose to believe that knowledge. We choose to trust our lives to that knowledge. Each and every day we choose and that choice guides how we live every moment.
Choose faith today. Faith in Jesus Christ. Our Savior. He loves us. He is Love. He created us. He is The Creator. He died for us. He is our Healer who came to take away the penalty of sin.
Here is a link to this week's message:
In Faith,
Pastor Jeremy
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