The Tolerant Church 8/30/2020
Greetings and welcome in the name of Jesus Christ!
Our continuing look at the state of the church brings us to Christ's letter to Thyatira. This small community is commended for their love, faith, service and patient endurance. This was a group of believers whose latter works exceed their first works! That is exciting!
However, Jesus points out that they were tolerant of a "false prophetess". This women was leading people to commit sin under the teaching that freedom in Christ was justification for indulging sexual immorality and idol worship. This was a similar teaching of the Nicolaitans.
The danger with tolerating sinful behavior is that it has a corrosive effect on the entire body. We might not be directly impacted by someone's words or actions, but what about our children, other new believers or non-believers. Mixed messages from the church damages the church's witness. Even if we take the position that a person can make their own choices, a failure to lovingly provide the Gospel message leaves people with limited choices. It is those who are vulnerable in our churches and community that need the loving support of God's love through Jesus when they are faced with teachings that justify sinful behavior.
May this message challenge you to seek the Holy Spirit for examination of your heart, so you may be better equipped to serve as our Lord calls you.
Link to this weeks sermon:
After viewing the message, read Romans 12:9-21. This was this mornings Scripture reading. Here the Apostle Paul describes the marks of the true Christian.
May you draw closer to the Lord today!
Pastor Jeremy
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