UPDATE: Herbst UMC Covid19

Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior.

    I am writing today to provide an update and information regarding our current Sunday morning worship.  The Herbst UMC board has decided the following guidelines:
  • We will continue our worship time in the fellowship hall.  It is important that every individual use hand sanitizer upon entering the building and practice social distancing.  
  • The adult Sunday school class will continue to meet at 9:30.  Please sit in sections that you plan to sit during worship time.
  • Children's Sunday school classes will look to begin when school resumes, probably the first Sunday of August.
  • Children's Church Time will probably resume when Sunday school resumes.
    The board and I understand this is not what everyone wants, or envisions.  We want things to be normal and the way things were, however, it is more important right now to provide an environment where every person feels safe in communing with God.  The focus of our hearts and minds are first on Him, and second, on those hearts He calls to this place.
    In John chapter 4, Jesus tells us the type of worshipers that the Father desires, "But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him."  The place we worship is not as important as the spirit in which we worship.  God is deserving of all honor, glory, thanks, praise and worship because of His boundless love and mercies.  Let His church reflect such an attitude in all that we do and say.
    The circumstances of our current time are unlike anything any of us have witnessed or experienced.  Amidst the chaos, God is still sovereign.  His will shall be done.  May His church faithfully and obediently seek His counsel and comfort, so we can be equipped to share the Good News.
    If you have any questions, we welcome your conversation and ideas. 

May each day draw you closer to Jesus,

Pastor Jeremy


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