Resuming of in-person worship at Herbst UMC

Herbst UMC
Guidelines for in-person worship.

        As the church we have a responsibility to shine the light of Jesus Christ to the world.  Our world today is in great need of turning to God and seeking His ways.  A powerful witness is the act of coming together as the church to worship God.  During these extraordinary times, we must think critically about what that looks like, and take proper and appropriate steps to ensure a safe environment for all that come seeking God.  The church must consider all people, not just regular attendees.  The normal routines and patterns of worship, for now, can not be the same if we are to provide such a witness. 
  With respect to the current information available, consideration of the recommendations by state, medical and faith leaders, and our own unique situation as a faith community, the following decision for resuming in-person worship has been made:
Herbst UMC will resume in-person worship on Sunday May 24th.  
Doors open at 10:10am, with worship starting at 10:20am.  The service will conclude at 11am.  

        Our goal is to provide a safe worship space for people to come and worship with God. 
To this end, the following guidelines will be in place upon return to in-person worship:

1.  Herbst UMC encourages anyone in the following categories stay at home, refrain from coming to the church, and view the service virtually:

  • those 65 years of age and older 
  • those showing any signs of illness, such as:  (fever, cough, body aches, chills, diarrhea, headache, eye irritation,etc.)
  • anyone with a compromised immune system (cancer, lung disease, heart disease, etc.) 
  • any person in contact during the past 2 weeks, with a person that may be infected.

2.  Worship services will be held in the fellowship hall.

  • The sanctuary, basement, kitchen and office areas are off limits.  This is an attempt to minimize areas that need to be disinfected and cleaned.  
  • Restrooms in the rear of the fellowship hall will be open.  
  • The narthex will have overflow seating available if needed.

3.   Please use doors 1 & 4 to enter the building for worship. 

  • Doors 2 & 3 on the south end of the building by the office will be locked.  
  • Doors will be opened 10 minutes prior to the beginning of worship.  
  • Please remain in your cars until it is time to come in for worship.
  • Prior to entering the church building, we ask that each person sanitize their hands.  We will have stations outside both entrances for you to do this.

4.  We will observe social distancing to the best of our ability.

  • Refrain from shaking hands or close conversations.  
  • Seating for worship has been distanced so households can sit together.  Please sit in chair groupings that are reflective of  your household size.
  • Masks are encouraged, but not required. 

5.  No food will be served before, during or after service.  

  • This includes the coffee and donuts typically available. 
  • You are encouraged to bring your own drink as needed. 

6.  Our worship time will be limited to 40 minutes.

  • There will be no bulletin or printed material handed out.  
  • Bibles and hymnals will not be available.  We encourage individuals to bring their own bible and material to take notes, as they desire.
  • Worship will be focused on prayer, the Word and response.

7.  There will be a tithe and offering box in the rear of the fellowship hall. As you feel led by the Spirit, you may place tithes and offerings in the box before, during or after worship. 

8.  Upon conclusion of worship, we will dismiss service by household, to comply with social distancing.

9.  We ask individuals to take responsibility for their witness, by following the guidelines above and using best judgement with regards to their own personal health. 

Topics of interest.  Please remember that the current guidelines are for everyone's safety and will be followed until further notice.  Evaluations of the guidelines, and any adjustments, will be made weekly.

  • There will be no Sunday school classes at this time.
  • The taking of communion will be changing.  
  • Cleaning and disinfecting will take place after service. 

      Everyday presents new challenges.  Only God knows what is to come, and we place our faith in Him.  Above all we come together to give our worship and praise to God the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  May He grant us attentive spirits to hear, and to be flexible in responding, to His call.  Let us move forward in faith together during these uncertain times with responsible action and love. 

In the love of Christ Jesus,
Pastor Jeremy


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