Herbst UMC Health Crisis Response - Please Read
Herbst UMC Health Crisis Response - Please Read
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In a time of uncertainty of information, conflicting stories and invisible threats (germs), it is imperative that we remember we are loved by God and are called to be the church. That means that we are to worship God with our whole being. We gather in one voice to sing God’s praise, give thanksgiving for his grace and petition for his mercy. We worship God because He freely gives us faith, hope and love and at no time will he abandon His children.
In the face of the current global health crisis of the coronavirus, we are still the church, but need to be thoughtful to how we gather together. With the fluidity of the situation we must be diligent and flexible. We will continue to have Sunday worship, unless circumstances dictate a change. Many churches that have cancelled worship, have done so in order to protect those people who are most vulnerable. We also must consider what our leaders recommend in order to reduce the likelihood of spreading this disease.
With that in mind, here are a few reminders for Sunday worship and Sunday school.
TSO youth group will still meet from 6pm-8pm Sunday evening.
In the face of this current pandemic, we should be taking time to lean into God’s loving arms and pray for His presence. We need to be praying for all those that are sick to be restored to health. We need to lift up prayers for our doctors and nurses, that they may be protected and given strength. We need to be praying for our leaders, that their decisions and actions will be God honoring and effective in helping all people get through this situation. We also need to pray for God to guide our personal choices and actions that we will bring glory to God and do no harm to others.
Remember, you can watch every Sunday sermon from the link on our blog page. (herbstumc.blogspot.com)
We will provide further updates on this blog page, with links from Facebook and Instagram as they become available.
Be thoughtful. Be prayerful. Love God. Be the church.
Pastor Jeremy
Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
In a time of uncertainty of information, conflicting stories and invisible threats (germs), it is imperative that we remember we are loved by God and are called to be the church. That means that we are to worship God with our whole being. We gather in one voice to sing God’s praise, give thanksgiving for his grace and petition for his mercy. We worship God because He freely gives us faith, hope and love and at no time will he abandon His children.
In the face of the current global health crisis of the coronavirus, we are still the church, but need to be thoughtful to how we gather together. With the fluidity of the situation we must be diligent and flexible. We will continue to have Sunday worship, unless circumstances dictate a change. Many churches that have cancelled worship, have done so in order to protect those people who are most vulnerable. We also must consider what our leaders recommend in order to reduce the likelihood of spreading this disease.
With that in mind, here are a few reminders for Sunday worship and Sunday school.
- Use common sense. If you are sick, having any symptoms, such as fever, coughs, chills, etc, please remain home. Even if you feel like you will be alright, it is important to consider other people who may be more vulnerable to illnesses.
- During our time together, please practice good hygiene by washing your hands diligently. Recite the Lord’s prayer while washing your hands; that is a good measure for the amount of time it should take. We know that washing hands is best practice. Hand sanitizer is available around the church. Please use this often.
- During our fellowship time, it is recommended that we refrain from hugging, kissing, shaking hands, etc. This will be challenging, but for this time is appropriate.
- During Sunday school and during Worship, the recommendation is that a “buffer zone” of six feet between one another be observed. This is a little more challenging, but this will help to limit exposure and the spreading of germs.
TSO youth group will still meet from 6pm-8pm Sunday evening.
In the face of this current pandemic, we should be taking time to lean into God’s loving arms and pray for His presence. We need to be praying for all those that are sick to be restored to health. We need to lift up prayers for our doctors and nurses, that they may be protected and given strength. We need to be praying for our leaders, that their decisions and actions will be God honoring and effective in helping all people get through this situation. We also need to pray for God to guide our personal choices and actions that we will bring glory to God and do no harm to others.
Remember, you can watch every Sunday sermon from the link on our blog page. (herbstumc.blogspot.com)
We will provide further updates on this blog page, with links from Facebook and Instagram as they become available.
Be thoughtful. Be prayerful. Love God. Be the church.
Pastor Jeremy
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