Feb. 23, 2020 Listen to Him

Blessings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ!
May your day find His blessing upon you.

Here is our message from Transfiguration Sunday...


   Consider this the next time you get into the car and drive down the road.  When you are driving, watching your speed limit and obeying all the traffic laws, how many cars or trucks do you pass that are heading in the opposite direction?  How many cars do you encounter at intersections and in parking lots?  How do you manage to avoid an accident? 
    Your answer might be, "because we have laws that people follow."  True, but if you stop and think about it, the only reason you can make it any place without an accident is your trust in other people to follow those laws and rules, as you do! 
     Trust is a really important topic.  We talk about it more than we realize.  It is the foundation of our relationships.  Everyday we make choices that hinge on the trust of people, systems and faith.  The downside is that sometimes trust is broken.  Maybe it is a promise left unfulfilled or information given to us that proves incorrect.  When trust is broken we may feel hurt, betrayed, angry or disappointed. 
    That is why it is so important to listen to Jesus.  Jesus is 100% on our side.  His life, death and resurrection took place so we can be saved from the penalty of sin, and instead have life eternal. Jesus came to bring us into relationship with the Good Father. He loves us and His love never fails.   He is Holy and Righteous, worthy of our praise.
    Therefore, listen to him.  As God told Peter, John and James on the mountain to, "Listen to Him.", we also need to listen to Jesus.  His guidance comes from love.  Things may not always be easy, but  faith in Jesus can give us hope, because He always delivers!

Pastor Jeremy


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