Dec 29, 2019 So Now What?

    Merry Christmas!  Jesus was born for you!  Take time to embrace the love that was given to you and is your only path to salvation.  For all that goes on in the world, the good stuff and the bad stuff, our heart, mind, strength and spirit should be fixed on our Lord Jesus Christ.

    This Sunday's message is a call to action post Christmas.  It is a challenge to not put the Christmas story in the closet with the rest of the decorations, rather we should keep that light out all year long.  We are not talking about candles, we are talking about the Light of the World!  Jesus entered this dark place to shine a light into the darkness.  This light transforms darkness so that it becomes light.  So keep telling the story. The story of Good News!  The story of God!

Whether you are personally struggling with dark places in your heart, or know people who are, the Light of the World can transform that darkness.  Forgiveness and salvation are found at the feet of Jesus! 
Celebrate that all year long!

Merry Christmas yesterday, today and tomorrow!

Pastor Jeremy


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