June 9, 2019 Pentecost

Welcome!  Blessings to you in the name of Jesus the Christ!

    This week is part 1 of 13 in our summer sermon series that focuses around the question, "Who is Jesus?"  For this, we will be reading and learning from the Gospel of John.  This gospel, the last to be written, is intended to bring evidence and testimony that Jesus is the Son of God.  Throughout the book, the identity of Jesus is revealed, starting with the very first verse.  "In the beginning was the Word..." John 1:1.  This rich book has the intended goal that all who read it will know that Jesus Christ is the Messiah.

Check out the sermon, link below, to learn all the titles given to Jesus in Chapter 1 alone!


    Spend time this week reading, studying and praying in John 1.  Allow the truth of Jesus Christ to pour into your heart in a new and fresh way.  Allow the Spirit to testify to your heart, deepening your relationship with our heavenly father. 

    May the Holy Spirit provide you strength to live the life God created for you. 

Peace be with you,
Pastor Jeremy



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