April 18, 2019 Maundy Thursday
The Upper Room
This evening our Holy Week Worship "sailed" into Swayzee Christian Church to celebrate and remember the events of the upper room. The evening kicked off with Damon Rogers leading the congregation in moving and powerful worship, before giving way to Pastors Matt Stewart, Jason Smith and myself.

The Gospel of John describes the peculiar, confusing and counter-cultural act of Jesus washing his disciples feet. Pastor Matt set the scene by explaining the Passover meal, shared by Jesus with his disciples. Pastor Jason and I shared the exchange between Peter (who tried to refuse the washing) and Jesus (who warned Peter of the need for obedience to God's ways). 
In preparing for Holy Communion, we were reminded of the willing and obedient sacrifice of Jesus for us. Jesus calls to us. He seeks to gather us together in one body. We come together to remember God's love for us and to be washed clean by Jesus. It is only through Jesus that we can take part in his eternal life that he came to give us. 
All the people left with great joy and celebration, just as the disciples left the upper room, singing together.
Our Holy Week Worship will be at Swayzee Nazarene for a Good Friday Tenebrae Service at 7pm.
If you have never experienced a Tenebrae service, I encourage to come experience the somber journey of the Passion of the Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ's love, poured out to you,
Pastor Jeremy
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