January 7, 2019

Blessings to you in the name of Jesus Christ!  Happy New Year!

This Sunday we are beginning a sermon series on prayer, based on the book written by James Mulholland, Praying Like Jesus.  The beginning chapter of his book, When You Pray, is the basis for this Sunday's message.  Here is the link below...


    An important focus that I took from this book is need for continual reflection on the attitude in which we pray.  I can often find myself getting long winded in my personal prayer time.  I think I am sometimes trying to search for the right words so that my prayer will be authentic and pleasing to God.  I want to cover all the different things that I think I am suppose to bring before the Lord.  Unfortunately, in those moments, the time just seems flat because the attitude of my heart is more set on trying to do things right, rather than just being present with God.

   As we explore how Jesus taught us to pray during the coming weeks remember the importance of attitude.  In Luke 18: 14, Jesus reminds us of who is justified before God; "For all those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."  One of the most important aspects in our coming to God in prayer is humility.  It is because of God we exist, it is because of Jesus that we are saved and it is the holiness and faithfulness of God that we can be confident in our future.  Let us always remember whom we are speaking.

   Enjoy your time with God this week, it can be life changing and life saving.

Blessings to you and your family in the name of Jesus Christ,
Pastor Jeremy


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