December 31, 2018
Happy New Year's Eve...
Here is the Sunday message from yesterday Dec. 30th...
The new year always brings people to reflection. Unfortunately, the dominant focus is often negative. Reflecting on the past year's memories, loss and failures have people lamenting of what could have gone better or what they could have done differently. Eat better, exercise more are two of the most common resolutions, but the underlying motive of many resolutions is to improve on what was seen as not good from the year before.
This year, I purpose a different focus. Let us look back at the previous year and see the amazing blessings that God has poured into our life. Take advantage of this time to smile and give thanks to God for His holiness and love. Use this time to set goals for the coming year that celebrate and build upon those things that God has made good in your life. Even when circumstances are not the best, God is there with you when you seek Him.
Start with your relationship with God. It is time to make the most important thing, the most important thing. Set goals to grow in your prayer life. It is a gift to you to stay connected with Him.
In Christ's love,
Pastor Jeremy
Stay tuned in the coming weeks for tips to grow your prayer life...
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