April 1, 2018 Easter Sunday

You can find today's sermon here:
Today is April Fool's day. It's a day when we kids love to hunt for Easter eggs and parents love taking pictures.
All of that, for as much fun as it can be, pales in comparison to what Jesus Christ did over 2,000 years ago. Jesus was crucified and buried in a tomb. The Romans were happy to be done with the matter and the Jewish leaders probably felt a sense of satisfaction of being proven right. The Son of God would certainly couldn't be killed. That is just foolish.
The disciples were devastated. The Messiah was gone. They watched him suffer and die. Now they felt not only sorrow, but also fear that they might be next.
Everything that everyone believed, felt and thought were turned upside that morning they found the empty tomb. What Jesus said he would do, HE DID! For everyone who believes in the living Lord we are promised his power and eternal life in heaven. The punishment of death for our sins has been canceled through the obedient and loving act of Jesus Christ. Easter is the day where we can be filled with the greatest sense of hope and joy because our Lord and Savoir proved he was who he said he was.
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