God Rocks!!! 7/12/2020

Greetings to you in the name of Jesus Christ!

    The next two Sunday's will not have a video sermon available.  Instead, I would like to share a couple experiences that reminds me how much God loves us and how active He is in our lives, each and every day.
     Saturday July 11th, I attended my first Kingdom Come Festival, which is a two day event held at the Howard County Vietnam Veteran's Healing Grounds located south of Greentown, IN.  This was the 10th year for this free concert event that is jam packed with Christ-centered hard rock and heavy metal bands.   These performers each had a unique sound to their music, creative lyrics and amazing stage shows.  They wailed away on the guitar, pounded on the drums and belted out their songs with intensity and passion. 
    While each performance was different, every band and performer shared a single powerful message of hope that is found in the power of Jesus Christ.  I was at this event with my brother in Christ, Steve Perkins, who hosts a Classic Christian Rock Podcast with a Pastor friend known as 'Wildman'.  All day long, these two 'Jesus-freaks' were geeking out all day on rock and roll and heavy metal while interviewing the bands, and fans.  Even more exciting than the music was the chance to hear the stories of how God calls these different people, from all walks of life, into an amazing, loving relationship with Jesus that leads them to evangelize everywhere they go.  The common bond of Jesus brought love to an event which had people from all over the country converge together.  I am reminded that the Gospel message of Jesus Christ is meant for all people!  Looking out at the crowds and talking to performers it became so clear how God's love transforms people from the inside out.  All the bands wanted to talk about was what Jesus has done and is doing in their lives, and the fruit that comes from the loving obedience to our Holy God.  In this weekend, I can say I saw the Kingdom Come!
     On Sunday morning, Ashli and I attended worship at Cicero UMC.  Another brother in Christ, Pastor Jesse Mullins, began his first appointment as pastor.  Jesse and I have served in ministry together on several occasions, and it was a pleasure and honor to be there in prayer and love for him, his wife Donita and their three young children.  Jesse's message was on the parable of the sower.  One of the key points he brought out was the process of growing together.  When change happens it affects every person differently.  Yet when our hearts fix on Jesus, what we see are the possibilities!  New people, new gifts, and a new direction are nothing to be feared, but rather embraced.  Our God is in the business of making "all things new"!  Join me in praying for Jesse, his family and the Cicero community.  A new opportunity has been given to all, brought together by God, to go and bear fruit. 
      There is so much more than just these two experiences.  I witnessed the love experienced by my daughter at the "Shine" camp last week at the ARK.  I could mention the love and support for Youth for Christ at Friday's golf outing, which saw over 40 foursomes come to support the work God does through their different ministries for youth.  Maybe I should talk about our own TSO (The Sent Ones) youth group Sunday night and the fellowship and love that is beginning to develop and take shape.  God has been everywhere, in every way. 
      During such anxious, uncertain and baffling times, never forget that the power and love of God is alive!  Not only is it alive, you are personally invited to join the millions of other Christ followers in the mission of our Holy God!

Fix you eyes on Jesus and let us all grow together as a part of God's Kingdom!

Pastor Jeremy


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