August 5, 2018

Here is the sermon from this past Sunday...

    As Christians, the one thing we should all come to accept is that God intends to grow us.  To paraphrase John Wesley, "we are growing toward Christian perfection".  Wesley is making the point that at no time in our lives are we to be stagnant.  We are to be passionately seeking Jesus in everything that we do.
    This brings us to the understanding that we will always face transitions in our life.  We will all be effected by change during our lives;  change in our situation, by the change in other people's situations or by the change in our community and the world.  We must understand that if our eyes are fixed on God and His glory, we can navigate these changes with confidence.  We can properly view these changes as opportunities to recenter on Jesus and grow in our faith in Him.
    There were months of planning that went into this years VBS.  Scheduling, crafts, lessons, food, games were all carefully discussed and developed.  I believe one of the reasons this event was so successful was the willingness of the planning team to be flexible.  It was never about what we wanted or felt comfortable with.  Rather our eyes were on what God wanted us to share with the kids that week.  It was also the flexibility of all the volunteers.  The willingness to trust the plan and allow God to guide through that plan as needed.
    The more we try to control things the further away from God we pull.  As you face this coming week, pray over your plans and schedules.  Then let God lead you through.  It might not follow your plans, but God will bless you and keep you safe.  In the end, you will see how great your God is.

In Christ's love,
Pastor Jeremy


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